
  1. What are forms?
  2. How do you use forms?
  3. How do you build forms?
  4. How do you secure forms?
  5. How do you extend forms?
  • Intro: Introduce the idea in one sentence.
  • Explanation: An elevator pitch that signals the reader to continue or not (keep looking for relevant page).
  • Sections/Features: Separate sections/sub-sections (h2s/h3s) consistently. This will build the ToC.
  • Next Steps: Next actions to take that are intentional versus simply additional reading.
  • Code Examples: Code examples and snippets.
  • Insights: Tips, post scriptum, creative links.
  • Additional Reading: Link to related ideas/topics/guides/recipes.


Form builders help you quickly build up form components.

Defining Forms

Form Builders

You can instantiate a FormBuilder instance and interact with it directly.

use Steams\Ui\Form\FormBuilder;

$builder = new FormBuilder($parameters = []);

Stream Forms

Defining forms in your stream configuration makes it easy to display, validate, and customize forms based your domain information and entities.

Define stream forms using a handle => parameters format, where handle will be used to reference the form later and parameters is an array of parameters and components configuration.

// streams/example.json
    "ui": {
        "forms": {
            "default": {
                "options.redirect": "thank-you"


The following parameters are available though may not be required.


Use the stream parameter to specify the stream to use for entry data. If the form was defined on a stream this is optional.

use Steams\Ui\Form\FormBuilder;

$builder = new FormBuilder([
    'stream' => 'contacts',


Use the entry parameter to specify the entry id or instance to use for the form. If none is specified, default behavior will create a new entry upon submission.

use Steams\Ui\Form\FormBuilder;

$builder = new FormBuilder([
    'stream' => 'contacts',
    'entry' => Request::get('id'),


Use the builder parameter to override the builder instance used to build the form component.

// streams/example.json
    "ui": {
        "forms": {
            "default": {
                "builder": "App\\MyFormRepository"


Use the repository parameter to override the repository instance used to fetch the entry. This parameter defaults to the stream configured repository if any.

// streams/example.json
    "ui": {
        "forms": {
            "default": {
                "repository": "App\\MyFormRepository"


Options listed here:


Form configurations can also be @imports for more congiguration

    "ui": {
        "form": {}

Full configuration:

    "ui": {
        "forms": {
            "default": {},
            "{handle}": {}
$form = (new FormBuilder([
    'stream' => 'examples',
    'inputs' => [
        'field_slug' => 'input_type',

Configuration Examples

    "form": [
        // Required Configuration
        "stream",   // The stream the entry belongs to
        "entry",    // The entry to edit or null to create
        // Optional Configuration
        "repository",   // The entry repository

        "builder",  // The form builder to use
        "form",     // The form component to use
        "assets",   // Assets to load
        "fields",   // Form fields configuration
        "rules",    // Form rules configuration
        "actions",  // Form actions configuration
        "buttons",  // Form buttons configuration
        "sections", // Form sections configuration
        "options": [      // Component options array




