

In addition to the API server, we also provide a Javascript API Client to interact with the server. The API Client is consistent in design to its PHP counterpart.


You may use any NPM package manager to install the API Client:

yarn add @laravel-streams/api-client
npm install @laravel-streams/api-client

Getting Started

To get started, import Streams and instantiate it with the baseURL of your Streams API server. The resulting streams object is equivelant to the PHP Streams facade.

import { Streams } from "@laravel-streams/api-client";

export const streams = new Streams({
    baseURL: "",

Stream Instances

You can return stream instances for later use using the make method.

const stream: Stream = await streams.make("contacts");

Streams can return their respective repositories and entry criteria using corresponding methods.

const repository: Repository = stream.getRepository();
const query: Criteria = stream.getEntries();


You can return a streams entry repository using the repository method.

const repository: Repository = await streams.respository("contacts");

The repository has the same methods available as it's PHP counterpart.

let entries: Collection = await repository.all();

let entries: Collection = await repository.findAll([1, 2, 3, 64]);

const first: Entry = entries.first();

const entry: Entry = await repository.create({
    name: "John Doe",
    age: 30,
}); = 'John Smith';


await repository.delete(entry);


You can return an entry criteria using the entries method.

const query: Criteria = await streams.entries("contacts");

The entry criteria also has the same methods available as it's PHP counterpart.

let entries: Collection = await query
    .where('age', '<=', 30)
    .orderBy('age', 'desc')

let paginator: Paginator = await query
    .orderBy('age', 'desc')


Working with entry instances is consistent to their PHP counterparts.

const entry: Entry = await repository.first(); = 'John Smith';


await entry.delete();

const obj = entry.serialize();


The API Client comes with built-in ETag support. To get started, enable the feature on the client.

import { Streams } from "@laravel-streams/api-client";

export const streams = new Streams({
    baseURL: "",
    etag: {

You must also enable cache on the desired stream:

// streams/examples.json
    "config": {
        "cache": {
            "enabled": true,
            "ttl": 300